The Ch’i of the Brush*
Artist Nan Rae Adds “Vibrant Life Force” to Story of Suma
Nan Rae’s Chinese brush-stroke art is exhibited in countries around the world. The 5 ½” x 8” hardcover edition of Suma the Elephant contains forty-four paintings from her portfolio. They are featured in single ink pure form, similar to calligraphy, to create a graceful “life force” throughout the story.
In recognition of Nan’s contribution, the book received the national Benjamin Franklin Finalist Award for Interior Design for literary works by independent publishers.
* book by Nan Rae ©
“The artist succeeds in capturing the ch’i of Suma in her drawings. Rather than a picture of a sad elephant, we see a drooping flower, while a withering tree symbolizes the band of monkeys that has died. The drawings are like little poems that reflect the emotions of the text.”
−Tyler R. Tichelaar
“Nan Rae’s oriental visuals lend the book the lyric meditation of a haiku poem. Her motifs suggest and amplify rather than illustrate the text. As a result, we are drawn into Suma’s world as she sees it and not as if we are on the perimeter watching her.”
−Lisa Bowman