“READ THIS STORY. Then read it again, slowly, so it can unfold and fully reveal its beauty and poetry.”

Dale M. Herder, Professor
    Emeritus of English

“WHEN I ASK STUDENTS years after graduation what they remember about my course, they remember Suma.”

Sarah Milarch, High School English Teacher

“I ROTATED THE BOOK between four 4th grade students…it was tremendous what they came up with when they took the book home and discussed it with their families!”

Eric Mason, Principal, Elementary School

“I USE SUMA IN MY GRADUATE-LEVEL counselor education course on diversity… Students who remain quiet or passive during discussions on our traditional textbook readings become vocal, interactive, and expressive while discussing Suma…It’s a hauntingly powerful piece of art.”

— Julia Orza, Professor of Counselor Education

“AFTER READING OR HEARING AESOP’S FABLES, we recall their lessons throughout our lives. Certainly, Suma the Elephant is just as memorable.”

Lois Bader, Professor Emeritus of Literacy;
  Author, “The Bader Reading & Language Inventory”

“OUTSTANDING! I have read Suma the Elephant again and again and it brings a new message each time. This book is a brilliant read. After teaching at the college level for 25 years, I believe every high school student should read this book.”

Deleski Smith, Barnes & Noble Review

“PARENTS AND TEACHERS will find that Suma the Elephant offers many opportunities for young readers to apply the lessons of this tale to their own lives.”

Fred Martinez, Elementary Teacher

“NEVER HAVE I SEEN so few words, so few simple words, able to touch one’s intellect and emotions to such a degree.”

— A. Price (Amazon Review)

“HERE YOU’LL DISCOVER A POWERFUL and moving story of everyone who has struggled in life. I believe that Suma lives deep within each of us – that her story is yours and mine.”

 — Rick Stacy, Pastor

“READERS WITH A RELIGIOUS bent quickly will assign much spiritual meaning to the story of Suma. Secular readers will find psychological references. Parents will want to read it to their children. Children will root for Suma and receive the message on a subtle level. But regardless of one’s mindset, this is a jewel of a book that’s meant to be shared.”

Lisa Bowman, Editor, The Religion Network

“HAD I READ SUMA the Elephant as a child the story would have affected me profoundly, lingering in my mind for years; I would have read it over and over until I grew up fully conscious of the mind-forged manacles we inflict on ourselves.”

Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D. in literature /
Literary Critic / Award-Winning Author

“I READ SUMA THIS MORNING… I am only just beginning to think of the many ways this profound and poignant story will help my students make meaning in their own lives and the lives of others.”

— High School English Teacher (Amazon Review)